Native Notion support

## Integration [Notion]( ## Current Integration Currently, users can integrate Notion with Cleft using Zapier. You can find the documentation [here]( and access the integration [here]( ## We Need You! We want to hear from you! Please tell us about the use cases and workflows you wish to achieve using Cleft with Notion. Your feedback is invaluable as we work towards native Notion support. ### Examples for Inspiration Here are some ways you might collect your fleeting thoughts in Cleft and send them to your Notion pages and databases: - **Daily Journaling:** Capture daily reflections in Cleft and automatically send them to a Notion journal database. - **Task Management:** Record tasks or to-dos in Cleft and have them populate your Notion task list. - **Meeting Notes:** Take quick notes during meetings in Cleft and organize them in your Notion workspace. - **Idea Collection:** Jot down spontaneous ideas in Cleft and categorize them in your Notion idea board. - **Project Planning:** Use Cleft to outline project steps and sync them with your Notion project tracker. Your input will help us create a seamless and efficient integration, instead of just dumping a cookie cooker integration you can achieve already today (or do you not want to use Zapier? Let us know in the comments!). Thank you for your support!